πŸ‘£ Tracks

Short, focused courses walking you towards specific careers



You can study these tracks any time. They list what you need to know before starting.
  1. React

    Explore frameworks, libraries, and declarative programming with React; Develop unit testing with Testing Library; Build a dynamic web application in an Agile team


Jobs after ITP

When a job requiring one of these tracks is available, CYF will announce when the track will run.
You must have completed the Introduction to Programming course, be enrolled as a trainee, and want the job it's targeting. If you are planning to do the Software Development Course, you probably want to prepare for the Piscine and SDC rather than taking one of these tracks.
  1. Coming Soon

    ITP tracks are coming soon...

  2. SAP FI/CO

    In teams, gather requirements and configure accounting systems, adapt based on requirements changes, debug errors and communicate with stakeholders.


Jobs after SDC

When a job requiring one of these tracks is available, CYF will announce when the track will run.
You must have completed the Software Development Course, be enrolled as a trainee, and want the job it's targeting.
  1. Cloud

    Deploy and manage cloud infrastructure; explore containers, pipelines, load balancing, traffic, integration and security; define infrastructure as code

  2. Portfolio

    Build great projects; work in teams; polish our profiles; get great jobs in tech
